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Ski Resort

Welcome to our new
Deaf Winterfest website

Welcome back, USDSSA members, friends, and family! We're in full swing preparing for Deaf Winter Fest—a week brimming with family-friendly events suitable for all ages, including children. We invite you to join us and relish various winter activities guided by Deaf professionals, alongside Deaf athletes and anyone from the Deaf community interested in winter adventures.

For all the essential details to plan your experience—from events and activities to gatherings and lodging—this DWF website has got you covered. We recommend starting by registering with USDSSA to become a member before securing your lodging and activities.

Come, be a part of the excitement!

Warm winter wishes,

David Day, Chairperson

Meet the DWF Team!

We have some positions open.

Deaf Winterfest 2025

© 2023 United States Deaf Ski and Snowboard Association. All rights reserved.

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